Lisa Czechowski was born on 29th May 1979 in Pequannock, New Jersey while her old neighborhood is Boonton. She is the girl of David and Barbara Banta and furthermore has two brothers, Christopher and Kevin. At the hour of her introduction to the world, she was experiencing an ailment called nystagmus and was determined to have cone dystrophy while being in center school. Both the ailments influenced antagonistically to both her eyes that caused her to lose vision. Both the ailments influenced her far and myopia. She has no shading vision and is amazingly influenced and touchy to colors.

While being in secondary school, she pursued for different tracks and field occasions. Lisa was first presented to goalball in her secondary school by a versatile actual instructor. She used to concentrate in a school in New Jersey where the greater part of the instructors and understudies had a place with dazzle and outwardly impeded ailments. Around then, Lisa was intricated in standard games and used to have no interest in versatile games. Yet, she was at long last persuaded to take part in goalball and do rehearse at the West Orange Community Center.

She had a fruitful scholarly games vocation and had likewise won numerous awards during her support in different games like disk, shotput. She won a silver decoration in disk at the Sydney Paralympics Games. Inside an extended time of beginning her vocation with Paralympic sports, Lisa acquired a spot for herself as a substitute in the ladies’ goalball group game in the 1996 Paralympic Games that was held in Atlanta. Later in 1998, she was chosen to the goalball public group and joined in or partook in her investment in the group at IBSA World Championship in Spain.

In 2001, she at last chose to zero in on goalball. Her interest in the ladies’ goalball group in the Paralympics made her to won a silver decoration in the 2004 games and afterward a gold award in 2008. Lisa has been perceived as the significant supporter of her Paralympic sportswomen group. Lisa has been entitled as the “top scorer of the title” at the worldwide visually impaired games Federation’s World Championship that was held in 2002. She was likewise named as “most significant player” in the US Association of Blind Athletes that was held in 2008. She will address her country in the continuous Tokyo Paralympics in goalball.

Lisa Czechowski is cheerfully hitched to Jacob Czechowski. The two of them together have a child kid who was born on second July 2014 and named Jay Czechowski. Lisa found out about goalball while being accessible or contending in the track and field at the Sydney Games. She wanted to peruse, pay attention to music, play tabletop games, appreciate shopping and playing with her child. Her last name by birth is Lisa Banta. She took take an interest in the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City in 2001 while being in Princeton, New Jersey.

Lisa Czechowski carries a total assets of $3million to $5million. She used to gather a large portion of her income from her Paralympic games. She is likewise maintaining a business of Yeezy tennis shoes. While she made a misrepresented endeavor, the cash that she pulled is basically from the business that made her position among the most extravagant and biggest big names. Her fundamental pay is generally from her competitor calling.

The second she saw sports face to face, she felt a dream that she never had in her life. She met different goalball competitors who were having different levels of vision and were effective understudies simultaneously while being proficient competitors.

During her training days that were conveyed expertly with a recruited mentor, she took in the rudiments of goalball that further caused her to foster an interest in the game. She generally used to feel a change with the great act of goalball.

Regardless of her vision or eye conditions, she fostered an interest in goalball when she was in secondary school. She played for different track fields and occasions until she fostered her solidarity for shotput and plate.

She was quickly persuaded by one of her versatile actual instructors which caused her to contend in both goalball and games for the following six years.