Loans For Veterans With Bad Credit

But still, there are some Loans that veterans can avail themselves of with bad credit scores, and those are discussed below in detail.

What Leads To A Bad Credit Score?

Various factors affect the fall in your CIBIL score, and some of these factors are listed and discussed below in detail.

1. Late Payments

Payments play a significant role in determining a person’s credit score. There is a specific period provided for EMI instalments, loan instalments, and pending bank charges, and if you cannot clear your dues on time, you end up with a decline in your credit score. When these late payments become a continuous habit, users end up with a bad credit score.

2. Debt Collectors

When a person takes a loan from a bank, he is liable to sign a document that assures returning the amount in the given tenure. But sometimes, people are unable to pay the loans, or they are unwilling to pay the loans then their data is sent to third-party collectors. These third-party collectors make regular visits to the borrower and take legal action against them.

But once the name is included in the debt collection list, your credit score keeps decreasing gradually.

3. Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is when a person declares that his assets hold no value and does not have enough money to pay pending credits and loans. Banks have to face severe losses in such instances as they cannot force a person to pay if he has declared himself bankrupt. So such records are maintained, and banks avoid providing loans to people with histories of bankruptcy or pending cases.

4. Charge Offs

Sometimes people create their bank accounts and keep them dormant and have no amount deposited in such statements and banks have a maintenance fee required to keep your account active. When these maintenance fees pile up, it is treated as a debt, resulting in a fall in your credit score.

5. NPA

NPA stands for Non Performing Assets, and this is a category for the borrower who misses more than three payments in a row. Once your account falls under this category, you can face legal issues.

Various Loans You Can Get With Bad Credit.

When a person has bad credit, he is unable to make repayments on time, resulting in a lack of faith in the borrower. So in such instances, the banks agree to provide loans against some collateral and only on limited collateral.

1. Gold Loans

Gold is considered the only commodity whose value keeps increasing even when the market is unstable or at a loss. So banks accept gold ornaments, gold bricks, and gold biscuits as collateral, along with a hallmark certificate and value evaluation of the total gold. Then this gold is kept safely in the lockers, and the value equivalent to 80% of the total amount can be availed as the loan amount.

2. Loans Against Property

Real estate is another booming sector, and it has shown beautiful results in the past few years over massive investments, so banks provide loans against property. The loans against property are decided based on the location and value of the property. For the same, the valuation of the particular property is made by a third-party valuer.

 Then he certifies the value to the bank, and based on the valuation loan is provided. If the borrower cannot pay the loan, the bank takes control of the property and sells it to profit.

3. Top-Up On The Previous Loan

Banks can have faith in people who have their loans already running in the banks so that users can ask for a top-up loan on their previous loan. But this feature is limited to only a few loans like Home loans, and the rate of interest of these top-up loans is comparatively higher than the actual loan.


Bank loans are cumbersome, and one must go through all the required documentation and legal terms before accepting them. There are specific tips that would allow you to maintain your credit score, and the first one is to repay on time. When payment is delayed, it attracts extra charges, so it’s better to pay them on time and avoid bad credit. You get loans with higher interest and binding solid legal terms on bad credit.

What is the lowest score for a VA loan?

There are no specific limits to a score; it is decided by the banks themselves, but in most cases, it’s near about 580-600.

How do I get a VA loan approved faster?

You can get your loan approved faster by sending your documents at the earliest or by contracting with a third-party loan approval company.