Kemi Filani news revealed minutes prior that the third spouse of the Ooni had stowed a Doctorate. Sovereign Naomi Ogunwusi had been deliberated with the honor of a privileged Doctorate.

The ex of the Yoruba ruler shared the uplifting news on her authority Instagram page. Celebrating over her new accomplishment, Queen Naomi communicated that she was so eager to add one more quill to her various crowns.

The sovereign got a privileged specialist of Philosophy (PhD) from the esteemed “Myles Leadership University”.

Utilizing her accomplishment to move others, she advised them to really buckle down, however the street might be uneven with supplications and consistency, the ride would ultimately become smooth.

Sovereign Naomi added that the intensity will come yet soon the distinctions will follow.

Many were shell shocked in December 2021 when Queen Naomi Silekunola, now estrange

— THISDAY LIVE (@THISDAYLIVE) September 4, 2022

“A radiant night it is, for myself as well as my friends and family. I’m eager to report to you that one more plume just got added to my crown. Today, I got consulted with the honor of privileged Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by the esteemed “Myles Leadership University”. While you stroll through this world, kindly buckle down. The intensity will come yet soon the distinctions will follow. The street might be rough yet with petitions and consistency, the ride would ultimately become smooth. At long last, brethren, all things considered, is said and done “WILL THERE BE ANY STARS IN YOUR CROWN WHEN AT EVENING THE SUN GOES DOWN?”.