These new fresh start servers were part of the game’s new 3.0 update, which brought many new features to the game. These servers were created to allow for players who wanted a completely fresh start to the game to do so. They require a brand new game account to play on, and no items from previous accounts can be transferred to these servers.

Over the weekend, all of the game’s servers were updated to support this new content. But the ridiculous queue times and countless other issues mean that fans are still really unhappy. However….we may have found some temporary solutions.

How To (Possibly) Fix Queue Time Issues

Along with the queue time issues, people were also reporting crashes before players were actually able to select their servers. One redditor supposedly found a fix to the issue where if you pressed alt+enter the issue would be resolved. This fix also supposedly was fixing issues with the long queue times and issues with a greyed out connect bar. As of right now, that fix has been removed from the ArcheAge subreddit for undisclosed reasons. 

Another redditor has said that the way to fix these queue issues is to just hope for the servers to go down and if they do, immediately spam your way into the queue as soon as they go back up.

The official Twitter for the game has been posting frequent updates to the status of the servers. The developers have also posted a state of the game post to their official forums. 

Have you been running into these long queue times? Have you found a way around them? Let us know in the comments!