Lorraine’s Story

The recordings that are transferred by Lorraine shows that in one spot she is hacking in her vehicle and shopping at Walmart. What’s more, on the video she is demonstrated saying “I’ll get together and I will abbreviate your life,” she says while hacking and the other video is the place she is appeared at a testing area and a medical attendant is enlightening somebody concerning to what extent it would take to get the aftereffects of the test. The recordings were posted on Facebook and a portion of those likewise have a ton of foulness.


Charges on Lorraine Maradiaga

She has been charged for making a terroristic danger by the Police in Carrollton, Texas. It is on the grounds that she has posted recordings via web-based networking media of spreading coronavirus. What’s more, the police have paid attention to her video and have accused her of Terroristic Threat, Texas Penal Code 22.07.. There is no affirmation that she is really a danger to the overall population. Be that as it may, they have distinguished the lady via web-based networking media professing to be COVID-19 positive and is wilfully spreading it as multi year old Lorraine Maradiaga. Police Department posted about her in a Facebook post and stated,

We have distinguished the lady seen via web-based networking media professing to be COVID-19 positive and stubbornly spreading it as 18-year-old Lorraine Maradiaga of Carrollton. We are accusing her of Terroristic Threat, Texas Penal Code 22.07.

We have not found her yet. In the event that you know where she is, call (972) 466-3333 or email CrimeTips@CityofCarrollton.com. We have no affirmation Maradiaga is really a danger to general wellbeing. We are, be that as it may, paying attention to her internet based life activities very.

The Police have likewise said that her family is participating and they went to her home to search for her yet she was not there. The examination is all the while and they are attempting to discover her when they can to comprehend what her genuine goals are and for what reason does she need to spread the COVID-19.

Trivia: Important Facts about Lorraine Maradiaga

Lorraine is charged by the Carrollton Police for making a terroristic danger by transferring recordings via web-based networking media expressing that she is spreading COVID-19.

She has posted a video indicating that she was getting tried.

There is no affirmation that she is COVID-19 positive.

She has said in her video that she was spreading COVID-19 deliberately among the overall population in Walmart.

There is an examination on and the police are looking for her everything over the spot to discover what her goals are.