At the point when Love and Gelato reached a resolution, Lina was seen choosing herself instead of both of the men she had been with all through the film. The end, nonetheless, likewise recommended that she could pick Lorenzo on the grounds that even a year separated wouldn’t keep them from running into one another once more.

Subsequent to finishing his coursework at the Paris Culinary Academy, Lorenzo went with the choice to succeed Greta when she resigned. Then he welcomed Lina to his grandma’s home for supper and gelato. Lina left on her bicycle at the finish of Love and Gelato.

Who is Lina father as per Love and Gelato end? Watchers saw that Matteo Fussi declined to meet Lina subsequent to learning she was his girl as Love and Gelato headed towards its decision. Along these lines, Lina snapped an image of what her mom Matteo had up in his studio. Lina was brought together with Lorenzo while lamenting, and the two kissed. Afterward, Lorenzo expressed his longing to proceed with the couple’s association, however Lina didn’t share his feelings.

In any event, when Howard convinced her to return, Lina made travel game plans. At the point when Addie was shipped off Italy, she settled on the choice to wait. They went to a party at Ale’s home where they found Lorenzo was going to Paris to go to the Culinary Academy. As she rushed to the air terminal, she let Lorenzo know that their kiss was not a mistake; rather, it was basically not the appropriate second in her life.

Lina said how, regardless of the journal’s rehashed demands for her to pursue her own choice, she generally accepted that picking between the two men she met was the suitable game-plan. Being the figuring out individual that he is, Lorenzo embraced and regarded Lina’s decision.

— Trending Notice (@trending_notice) June 23, 2022

After Howard asked Lina to acknowledge him as her supportive dad, Lina chose to defer her school plans for a year since she was excited to have a family. She pursued the choice to stay in Italy to find what her identity was and see her embraced father.

Matteo Fossi was never somebody Lina’s mom maintained that her should meet since she generally figured Howard would be the protective figure who might pay special attention to her. They met at some unacceptable time, regardless of whether she adored him. Watchers watch Lina wandering through the Italian roads and utilizing her mom’s camera to go after the finish of Love and Gelato.

What are the different ways and how might I pick one for my journey to Yomi? She likewise met Lorenzo, who had moved on from culinary school and had gained an exceptional baked good that he expected to call “The inverse.” He was additionally supported his culinary undertakings by Lina’s demand that his disparities improved him. Lina happily acknowledged Lorenzo’s encouragement to test his Nonna’s prestigious gelato.