Netflix reality series Love is Blind will have you scratching your head as young singles “date” one another from individual pods where they can only talk, without ever seeing the other person. After a few weeks, some of them develop such a deep emotional bond that they get engaged (yes, really) and finally meet in person to see if love really is blind.

In most cases (spoiler alert) the couples were all for staying together after finally setting eyes on one another. Though it hasn’t been without drama. One couple that seems to be doing well is Amber and Barnett. But should they stay together in the end, or would they be better off apart?

Stay Together: They Have Crazy Chemistry

It was clear from the moment Amber and Barnett set eyes on one another that there was a physical attraction on both sides. And they took it to intimate levels once they arrived in Mexico, speaking openly about their sexual chemistry.

They also seem to legitimately enjoy one another’s company and get along really well. It’s almost like giddy teenage love, which can be refreshing and set the foundation for a lasting relationship. The spark is definitely there between these two.

Break Up: It Is Probably Just Lust

But we have to wonder: is this love or lust? The two can’t seem to keep their hands off one another, which is great. But has their physical attraction taken over as the dominant aspect of their relationship?

They haven’t shown much of an emotional bond since they got out. It almost seems like emotionally, they are totally different while physically, they gel perfectly. So they run the risk of the lust portion fizzling out and will they be left with enough to sustain them in the real world once it does?

Stay Together: They Made An Emotional Connection

We have to remember that the reason they decided to pursue marriage in the first place is that there was a deep emotional connection between them, prior to them ever meeting in person. So while they are very physically attracted to one another, they didn’t know this at the beginning and that isn’t what set the stage for their partnership.

Assuming this experiment works, they have combined their initial deep emotional bond with a strong physical attraction. And that means they have two crucial ingredients for a lasting relationship.

Break Up: His Family Doesn’t Approve

It’s clear that Barnett’s very conservative family doesn’t exactly agree with how the two met and their speedy engagement. Plus, after meeting Amber, you can tell that they weren’t exactly impressed. She is outspoken and crass whereas they seem more reserved and traditional.

Even Barnett’s brother, who he seems to be very close with, disapproves and is trying to talk some sense into him without being too pushy about it. In one scene, when Amber asks Barnett who he would choose should there be friction between her and his family, he couldn’t answer the question. That’s a red flag right there.

Stay Together: She Might Be a Good Mom

Amber seems like she has already set her path in life: she wants to be a wife and a mom. There’s nothing wrong with that but it’s clear she has a lot of growing up to do. That said, sometimes having a child is what can push someone to change their lives and become more responsible.

If Amber is really set on having kids, she might find her calling and be a great mom while Barnett provides for their family. If he’s on board with this, it could work beautifully.

Break Up: She Has Zero Ambition

While there’s nothing wrong with aspiring to be a stay-at-home mom, it seems Amber lacks ambition altogether. She supposedly has a job that she actively chooses not to work at (only when she feels like it) despite having mountains of debt to pay off.

Being a mom requires responsibility, and if you don’t have that in your working life when you have a paying gig, or have racked up so much debt and aren’t paying it off at all, it might not give Barnett confidence that Amber would be any more responsible in the role of a mother.

Stay Together: They Might Help One Another Grow Up

Both seem like college frat kids and even act as such when they are together, drinking, partying, staying up all night, cracking crude jokes, and being obsessive about sex. Sometimes two people who live by one mindset can just perpetuate bad habits.

But they might be able to buck that trend and help one another grow up. Barnett already has a good job and a house and seems to be a relatively responsible adult who simply likes to let loose sometimes. But he also clearly has problems with commitment. If they can both taper the partying and focus on real life, they could make it work.

Break Up: She Could Bankrupt Him!

One of the biggest issues standing between them is Amber’s disclosure of her dire financial situation. Barnett has worked hard to save money to buy himself a house and has a good job. But marrying someone means combining finances, and debt, which means he’ll be on the hook for what she owes if they say their “I dos.”

What’s worse is that Amber has outright said that she hasn’t even been paying her debt down, despite not having any logical reason to fail to do so other than that she likes to buy a lot of make-up. If Barnett doesn’t want to end up like a college kid eating noting but Kraft dinner and ramen noodles in order to pay off her debt (which will become his), he is best to steer clear of her.

Stay Together: He Could Be Good For Her

Perhaps Barnett can help Amber realize that she needs to pay off her debts and act more responsibly. Maybe his financial help can be the catalyst she needs to kickstart paying down her loans and making her realize the importance of not accumulating more debt and working hard. This would put her in a better position to decide to have kids and dedicate all her time to raising them.

If Barnett can make this clear to Amber and she realizes what she needs to do and commits to doing it, the relationship could work and they could both become better people for it.

Break Up: She Seems Too Wild

It’s one thing to be a party girl but Amber takes it to the next level. Sure, it might be simply because they are filming a show where they are given alcohol at every turn and encouraged to have fun. But Amber seems like she just likes to drift aimlessly through life.

Sure, she once served in the military, which is admirable. And maybe she has issues she needs to overcome. But for now, while she seems like great girlfriend material, we’re not so sure she’s ready to be a wife.