The employer needs to have a healthy relationship with their employees, in this way they work As the company is their own company. So they work wholeheartedly, there are many ways to compensate paying other than paying them salaries. They can do this by giving them holidays, taking them to dinner or lunch unexpectedly. Celebrating companies bonus with the employees.

Lowe’s Bereavement policy

There are more than 3 million employees in the company. There can be any miss happening in any of the employees’ family at any time as it is not predicted before, the company has a policy for the same. If a person’s family member has passed away or a loved one has passed away they can get off from work for a few days.

As the company respects their employee and employer relationship. They help their Employees in any sort of way. so they provide them with paid leaves.

Details about the policy

If you are an employee of Lowe’s, Then you have a certain policy or you can get off for a few days. The policy of the company regarding this is As follows:

For immediate family members

If an employee’s immediate family member has passed away they can get three days off from the death immediately.

For extended family members

If an employee is extended family members have passed away, They get one day off from the office. 

Employees of the company are entitled to three paid days off for the Bereavement policy. This is per calendar year.

There are no such legal obligations for a company to provide any of to an employee if their loved one has passed. In Lowe’s They offer Bereavement Leave to the employees of the company, They are not legally obliged to do so.

Some countries around the globe have a policy that companies should give leave to the employees if their loved ones have passed away. But Here in the United States of America, there is no such law that a company should provide Off to their employees when their loved one has passed away.

Many companies do offer 1 to 3 days when their loved one has passed. There is the law in Oregan, That if a company has more than 25 employees then they can offer to leave to person when their loved one has passed away. In Oregan, Lowe’s Has also stores so being a big company they are legally obligated to give a lease to their employees when the lockdown has passed away. These leaves must be paid leaves for three days.

Lowe’s Right to ask for death certificates

Yes, unlike all other employers in the country they can ask for the death certificates of the deceased. They have reserved the right of asking for the death certificate, or proof of death. This is done to give the leave on Bereavement, And the employers and the Lowe’s Have this right.

In the certificates or in the proof they can give the copy of death certificates, they can also provide with the Obituary In the local newspaper, or they can supply them with the card or the program card from the funeral. These are the proof an employee Can give to the employers of Lowe’s For the death certificate.


Lowe’s Respects the employee and employer’s relation, so they give their employees leaves when they want. Although they are not legally obligated to give Bereavement leaves But they still give the same to their employees. They give three days leave to their immediate family members, they give one day leave when an extended family member of Employee passes away.

Frequently asked questions

What is the immediate family that will be considered under the Bereavement policy of Lowe’s?

The company provides three days of paid leaves to the employees of the company. They can include their immediate family which is as follows:

Adopt Parents, parentsStepparents and in-lawsSpousesSiblings, half-siblings, stepsiblingsGrandparentsGrandchildren

under the Bereavement policy, They can also include miscarriage of a child, and the can include stillbirth of a child. 

These are the immediate family members On whose death a person can get leave.

If an employee’s friends have been passed away can they get leave under Bereavement? 

The company can include compassionate leave in the death of close Friends. But it is up to the store manager on how many leaves they give on Bereavement, It is totally up to the store manager in how many days they give.

Can an extension be given on Bereavement Leaves?

Answer for is totally up to the store manager that they want to give an extension.