The retail owns several chains spread all across the United States and Canada. Being a dealer in home improvement equipment Lowe’s company offers great opportunities, especially to those passionate about Do-it-yourself programs.

 Just as in every retail, the success of a business lies wholly upon its employees. The greater the service delivery by the employees the more famous and marketable the retail becomes. Lowe’s is no exception; its prominence and fame can be attributed to the hard work of its employees. It is the employees who interact daily with the customers offering products-based expertise and knowledge. 

Under what circumstances should one call out under Lowe’s call-out policy

Uncertainty is one of the most unpredictable wonders and hits whenever it wants, not all days will an employee be present or early to work.

 Sometimes employees do fall sick, a relative may be in some situation needing help. 

Every retail has a call-out policy (a contact center providing employees with direct procedures to be followed should employees feel that they would be running late or will be absent from work for given reasons).

Hence, employees are to contact that given contact to report whether they will be reporting to work late or will not be reporting at all.

What is Lowe’s call-out policy? How does it work?

According to Lowe’s call-out policy, an employee is granted up to three call-outs within three months. Three call-outs within the three months are allowed without a validated doctor’s note. There are penalties, suppose an employee calls out if it is not a family emergency, sickness validated by a doctor’s note, or any reasons that are allowed. Frequent absenteeism without proper valid reasons can also result in one’s contract being terminated at Lowe’s.

How to get an absence leave from Lowe’s?

An employee at Lowe’s who is aware of his or her long-term problem or underlying issue does not have to call out in leu, they should apply for a leave of absence. Such cases should be reported to the supervisor or the relevant body in charge. 

This is done to make employees’ work at Lowe’s safer and more enjoyable.

Just like all other retailers in the United States, Lowe’s is under the obligation to abide by the federal act “family and medical leave act” offering employees a maximum of up to twelve weeks of unpaid leave within a year. 

What do the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) cover?

The family and medical leave act is entitled an employee having consequential health problems or a family member suffering from the same, or looking after a newborn. 

The FMLA also cushions an employee from being fired at work by the employer and guarantees health benefits.

How can I be eligible for the FMLA?

 An employee however has to have clocked a total of 1250 hours of working and have worked for one year at Lowe’s to be eligible for the family and medical leave act.

How do employees call out at Lowe’s in case they are sick or have an emergency to attend to?

In a scenario where an employee falls sick or has an emergency to take care of, it is procedural to contact the supervisor in charge of the manager as earlier as possible. Informing the supervisor or the manager earlier is to ensure that the supervisor has enough time to plan on how to cover the shift that was supposed to be covered by the sick employee. To call out, one needs to contact Lowe’s local store and ask for the relevant authority, that will be the supervisor in charge of the manager, and tell them of the issue.  

Are employees required to justify their absence? Or reason for calling out at Lowes?

Yes! To justify your reason for not coming to work or calling out, an employee is required to present a validated doctor’s note or any relevant documentation supporting the absence to avoid the penalties. 

However, in case an employee is hospitalized for severe medical reasons. Then contact with the Lowe’s store is advisable so that they can provide their relevant support.

Is there a possibility of an employee being fired for calling in sick?

That is not the case, at Lowe’s, an employee is permitted to make three call-outs without valid documentation supporting the call in three months. This implies that an employee is allowed to make a single call-out every month for three months without relevant notes or documents.

 Heads-up! If you are in a position to provide valid proof supporting your call-out then it will be better to do so to avoid misusing the “free call-outs”. 

After the three call-outs are exhausted, an employee is not allowed to make a call-out minus valid proof otherwise a warning will be issued by the relevant authority. Lowes’s, however, does not issue second warnings to employees. Therefore one needs to be very keen on matters concerning tardiness and attendance. 

Closing thoughts

Lowe’s retail provides every employee three call-outs within ninety days or roughly three months without valid proof. An employee who is aware of a serious condition can however apply for the family and medical leave act if they are eligible.  

How can I call out at Lowe’s?

A: An employee can contact the store and ask for the manager on duty.

How many call-outs can one make at Lowe’s?

A: one can make up to six call-outs before being issued a formal warning.