Lowering your Cox bill is a bit difficult because the company does not give out discounts and promotions to customers although new customers can enjoy their “signup price” for about a year (12 months) before facing the same problem. However, you can reduce your bills in three main ways; reducing the number of devices and services you get from the company, avoiding some of the Cox’s Policies, and requesting a negotiation. We will show you how to use these three methods to lower your Cox bills in the next paragraphs.

How To Lower Your Cox Bills

The following are the three best ways to reduce your Cox Bills:

Reduce the number of devices and services you get from the company

The first step to take to lower the bills you get from Cox is to reduce the number of devices and services you get from the company. This involves you dropping your subscription on either TV, phone, and internet services or purchasing your Wi-Fi or router. The bills charged by Cox on these services and devices are quite expensive compared to what you pay when you get the services from other companies.

You can also look at the possibility of getting a bundled plan from the company to reduce your bills. A bundled plan allows you to get multiple services at a cheaper price e.g you can combine your subscription for TV, phone, and internet services into one. However, doing this on Cox might be difficult therefore; you should try subscribing for just a service on Cox and go for a company that allows easy bundling for the other services.

Avoid some of the Cox’s Policies

If you continue to follow most of the policies of Cox, especially for existing customers, you are most likely to continue enriching the company. Hence, you have to disobey some of its policies to get a lower bill. One of those policies is the discount policy for existing customers of the company which prevents you from enjoying discounts given to new customers.

In this case, you will need to contact the customer care support of the company and request a discount similar to the price negotiation that will be discussed in the next paragraph. The only difference here is that you review the company’s policy and opt-out of the policies that do not favour your bills.

Request for a negotiation

This is probably the best way to lower your Cox bills and needs you to speak to a representative of Cox either on the phone or in one of their offices. You will explain your problem to the representative and the person will look at your eligibility for a discount or promotion known as the Cox’s Price Protection.

With this Price Protection, you will be eligible for a discount of about $20 to $60 from the company especially if you are a long time customer or pay very high bills each month. You can also increase your subscription plan to up to a year or two years to enjoy a discount and save up to $10 to $30 on your monthly plans.

If after requesting a negotiation, the representative does not seem to give you are satisfying response, you can threaten to cancel your subscription with them. Once you request to cancel your subscription, the rep will direct you to the retention team who would also speak to you before cancelling your subscription. The retention team will have no other option than to offer you a discount or watch the company lose a customer but do not rely on this since Cox is reported to not take threats from customers seriously.

Other Ways To Lower My Cox Bill

Apart from the three main ways discussed above, you can also try out the following ways to lower your Cox bills:

Cancel your subscription and re-register as a new customer

Since the customer does not take threats seriously, you probably would also have to take your threat seriously by cancelling your subscription with the company. After some days, you can then apply again using another name to enjoy the “signup price” available to new customers. However, you should take note of the mistakes you make during your past subscription and try to avoid repeating them.

Reduce your channel subscription

Review the number of channels you watch frequently and remove those you do not watch from your subscription. It is important to do this if there are premium channels that increase your bills.

Unsubscribe from extra services you do not need

Extra services like the Contour Streaming Service and the Complete Care Package can cost you more and increase your bills. You should also remove them from your plan to lower your Cox bills.

Conclusion : Lower My Cox Bill

It is easier to lower your Cox bills through the methods we gave above; however, you should be polite and patient during negotiation to ensure you get the best discount from Cox. You should know the company does not care that much since there is less competition in its industry.

You can also try out a combination of the methods to reduce your bill as low as possible.

Can I downgrade my Cox plan?

You can downgrade your Cox plan by calling the Customer Support of Cox or by visiting one of its offices.

Why is Cox charging more?

Cox charges more since its industry is less competitive

How do I get rid of Cox Cable?

You can contact Cox to cancel your Cox subscription.